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Valley ATV Club

Forest City meeting 4/22/2024


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I attended a meeting at the Forest City municipal building this evening. There was a nice turnout. The meeting was about possibly opening local roads to access gas stations & downtown Forest City businesses & eating establishments. There were many in favor & more than a few on the fence leaning towards opposing. The mayor voiced that he is in favor of designating specific access. Jim from Lakewood was there. Most of the Nep sno/ATV trail people were there. Sean spoke at length a few times in favor of "legal" trails. The locals who favor opening local roads were also pushing for the D&H to be re-opened to motorized, at least the portion that would connect O&W to D&H for access to Forest City businesses & gas station. Many of the locals spoke in favor. Many did really understand that you can't really allow just SXS & not ATV's under current DCNR related stuff. Many of the locals complaints were of dirtbikes & a few were complaining about snowmobiles as well lol. Most of the NEPa sno/ATV trails crew spoke at least once. Sean offered solutions in the form of DCNR grants for signage & was offering to coordinate with other suggestions.

The meetings was held because some residents feel that they're being harassed by law enforcement as of late, when the attitude in the past was more laid back,& live & let live. There was proposed time & day limits/curfew, mentions of a pass to drive into town etc.ย The lackawanna county feasibility study was brought up. There was a local guy who is also an employee of Aoaa there who spoke of the benefits that Shamokin has experienced. Another person brought up Potter County & what's going on there. Those in favor were pointing out economic gain for the community if off roaders were allowed access to town & "other trails".

The meeting lasted about an hour & a half.ย  I didn't speak, I felt it best to observe & learn, get the vibes of those in favorย  & concerns of those opposed .

I think we should keep our ears to the ground here. It could set a precedent for the rest of the area & surrounding areas. Our politicians are starting to recognize that we take our hard earned $$$ elsewhere at a loss to our local communities, so that we can ride without hassle ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰

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Good report on the meeting. Glad someone from the club could attend.

The incident on Saturday sure didn't help, was that brought up?


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Yes it was, but the locals kind of shot it down. Stating people wouldn't run if they weren't being cited, for doing what has been accepted for years until recently. It seems Forest City's police force has grown. Unfortunately I will be on the road for the May Nep sno/ATV trails meeting on 2nd Tuesday @6pm on lower main street in forest city. I will also be absent from our meeting. We are going to my nephews graduation in Fla & going to scope out some trails there as well ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰I think it is important if one or 2 or more of our members could go. We want more legal local trails. It's in our best interest to get involved, & have a voice. Or we can just accept the crumbs that we've been given so far ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰

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